Drive in cinema for side-by-side tandems with the van raam buddy bike fun2go


Drive-in cinema for buddy bikes

Bikes \ Side by side tandem bikes
Van Raam
Drive in cinema for side-by-side tandems with the van raam buddy bike fun2go

At the end of June 2019, the very first side-by-side tandem drive-in cinema in the Netherlands was organized in the Mediacentrale in Groningen. The organization of the event was in the hands of students and they worked together with employees of Cosis. Dozens of people with a disability watched the movie BFG together on the buddy bike.

Idea for buddy bike cinema

Wilbert Wolthers had the idea for the drive-in cinema for buddy bikes. He regularly cycled with clients of the Cosis institution.Unfortunately Wilbert passed away of cancer in February of this year. He had the idea for a drive-in cinema for side-by-side tandems for a while because because he wanted side-by-side tandems to become more known. Although his idea was laughed at in the beginning, several people eventually embraced the idea.

Colleague Dennis Broekema eventually took over the organization. On the deathbed of Wilbert Wolthers, he was promised that the drive-in cinema would come and that it was organized in memory of him.

Drive in cinema for side-by-side tandems with the van raam buddy bike fun2go
Drive-in cinema for buddy bikes with the Van Raam buddy bike Fun2Go (photo: Erik Hogeboom/RTV Noord)

Organization of a buddy bike event

Students of Noorderpoort Gezondheidszorg & Welzijn and employees of Cosis have set up the side-by-side tandem event in the Mediacentrale Groningen. Several clients of Cosis cycled under police supervision in a large group to the Media Center, where they were watched the movie 'Big Friendly Giant'. During this event, guests got a snack and a drink before the film started. Catering was arranged for this and a design studio designed special placemats to use on the buddy bikes.

Buddy bikes provide a different type of contact

Wolthers was a big fan and promoter of the use of the side-by-side tandem in healthcare. He was also very active as a volunteer and often rode together on a tandem with a client. During his training in Personal Counselor For Welfare Services at the Noorderpoortcollege, Wolthers focused specifically on the use of the multi-person bicycle in healthcare. With the buddy bike you sit next to each other, this way a supervisor can always keep an eye on the person with the disability, but in the meantime you can also have a nice chat.

The multi-person bicycle in which you sit next to each other is often used in healthcare, because the supervisor can have direct contact with his client. Clients also get exercise and are out in the open. 'It makes the world of clients a lot bigger. Clients often sit inside." , says Dennis Broekema.

drive in cinema for buddy bikes with van raam adapted bikes
Clients and other interested people enjoy the film during the buddy bikes drive-in cinema (photo: Erik Hogeboom / RTV Noord)

The buddy bike makes the world of clients a lot bigger. Clients often sit inside.

Dennis Broekema

Video: RTV Noord films drive in cinema for side-by-side tandems

RTV Noord made a video below during the buddy bikes drive-in cinema. Dennis Broekema is interviewed by RTV Noord and tellsabout the organization of the event. The video is in Dutch!

Buddy bike: social multi-person bicycle

The Fun2Go buddy bike from Van Raam is a multi-person bicycle at which you sit next to each other. With this social bike 1 person steers, both can pedal. The two people both have a good sight and can communicate well with each other through the seating positions next to each other. The side-by-side tandem can be expanded with all kinds of options, such as rotatable seats, seat belts for safety, a mirror to look behind you or a basket.

View the Fun2Go

Make a test ride?

At Van Raam it is possible to try out all the bicycles in our assortment. Are you interested in one of our bicycles, such as a tricycle, wheelchair bike or tandem and do you want a free consultation with a technical adviser and a test ride on our new bicycle test track?

Make an appointment in our showroom.

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Van Raam

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