What is the role of a Van Raam technical advisor in the field?
A technical advisor in the field takes care of test rides and gives advice to future customers. This is not something he does at Van Raam, but at the customer's home or on location. The technical advisor takes several special needs bikes with him (or one if specifically requested), so the customer can make a test ride at home. The bicycle will be adjusted on location to the client's needs and together they make a test ride to see which options and accessories are needed or if a different bicycle is needed. Through our colleagues in the office, a quotation is made, so the bike can be ordered by a Van Raam dealer.
At Van Raam, we also have technical advisors in the office, who provide test rides at Van Raam. This can be in the showroom in Varsseveld or in the Experience Center in Treuchtlingen (South Germany).