Customer Experiences

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Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.

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103 Customer experiences
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User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Gunda Krauss

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Gunda Krauss

10 / 10

Gunda Krauss

The life of the German Gunda Krauss has changed completely thanks to the electric tricycle Easy Rider. After Gunda had a hip replacement, she could no longer cycle on a ‘regular’ bike with two wheels. Her world become smaller by the day and at one point she even lost her zest for life. Her dream was to make a long bike ride once. It was a dream of Gunda to make a bike tour and this dream came true when she heard about the Easy Rider tricycle. This electric tricycle has changed the life of Gunda completely. Gunda had thought about giving up, but she is very happy that she kept going on. "Someone convinced me that you should not stop if you have a goal in mind. He was right, I know now, because there is always a way," says Gunda Krauss.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider Van Raam Margret Vermeulen

Customer experience tricycle Easy Rider - Margret Vermeulen

9 / 10

Margret Vermeulen

After not being a cyclist for three years, this situation has changed since 2018. Nowadays I cycle on an Easy Rider tricycle for adults from Van Raam and I've even been riding in the middle of sheep. The reason why I ride an adapted bike, is because I have the muscle disease Mitochondrial myopathy*. This disease causes my muscles to acidify quickly and I often have little energy.

User experience scooter bike Easy Go Van Raam Ankie van den Bosch

Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Ankie van den Bosch

9 / 10

Ankie van den Bosch

When they discovered I have Multiple Sclerosis* in 2000, I already had an e-bike for several years. Because my strength and energy continued to decrease, cycling became unsafe and I became insecure. It became difficult to get out of the car, to get away at a traffic light or to brake. And all this began to demand a lot of effort in traffic. I got scared when the wind was very strong. I avoided bridges and dunes.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Thea Westra

9 / 10

Thea Westra

I have been using an Easy Rider tricycle with seat since November 2017. Because of my illness Multiple Sclerosis (MS)* I can unfortunately no longer ride on a regular two-wheel bike. To be able to cycle as optimally as possible, my Easy Rider tricycle has two foot fixations, a rearview mirror and leg fixation on the left side.

User experience tricycle for adults Easy Rider - Diederik Wierenga

User experience tricycle for adults Easy Rider - Diederik Wierenga

9 / 10

Diederik Wierenga

I have owned an Easy Rider tricycle since January 2010 and still enjoy riding it. To me this is the ideal bicycle for every occasion: buying groceries, going to work.

User experience three-wheel tandem Twinny Plus - Magdalena Olaerts

User experience three-wheel tandem Twinny Plus - Magdalena Olaerts

10 / 10

Magdalena Olaerts

On my 74th birthday at the beginning of July 2018, I received an electric three-wheel tandem Twinny Plus from Van Raam as a surprise from my husband, just as he had ordered him.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Rob Berendsen

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Rob Berendsen

10 / 10

Rob Berendsen

My father is 88 years old. His knees are not so good anymore so we searched the internet to see if a tricycle was something for him. On the website of Van Raam we were immediately charmed by the Easy Rider tricycle model and the sporty and tough look of this bike.

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Margriet and Ger de Graaf

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Margriet and Ger de Graaf

9 / 10

Margriet and Ger de Graaf

My second Easy Rider tricycle is perfect and I am very happy with it! Kind regards to Ronald Ruesink and Daniel, who helped us fantastic!

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Mr. Heineman

User experience tricycle Easy Rider - Mr. Heineman

9 / 10

Mr. Heineman

As a 91-year-old, mr. Heineman really enjoys the bike, both at home at the Veluwe and further away, he has cycled hundreds of kilometers.

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