Customer experiences

Customer experience Midi tricycle - Ashnadebie Kalidien

Customer experience Midi tricycle - Ashnadebie Kalidien
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My name is Ashnadebie Kalidien, I'm 32 years old and I live together with my husband in Rijswijk, the Netherlands. My hobbies are colouring mandalas, cooking and baking, bullet journaling, watching movies/series and cycling. Every day I have to deal with my chronic disorder, the Stiff Skin Syndrome (SSS), osteoarthritis and a slow working thyroid.

Midi tricycle
Pedal assist, Mirror
Configure your bike

Reason for purchasing a special needs bike

I have a difference in length in my left leg and I can't cycle on my own without any help because of my strength. So cycling on a traditional bike is not an option for me. When I wanted to go somewhere, I was always dependent on the car. But finding a parking spot by car is difficult for someone who is disabled. With Van Raam's Midi tricycle I can go places, for example to the shop and then park my bike in front of it.

My Midi tricycle

I have a Midi tricycle with electric pedal support and two side mirrors.  I've owned the bike for three years now and I'm super happy with my tricycle. Now I have movement again in something I can do and something I like. With the Midi I can go to parks if the weather is nice or go for a ride. It also gives me more freedom because now I gave two choices, go by car or cycle with my special needs bike.

Customer experience Midi Ashnadebie

I'm super happy with my tricycle. Now I have movement again in something I can do and something I like.

Ashnadebie Kalidien

Orientation, ordering and delivery

I used the website of Van Raam to orientate myself on a new bike, but I didn't go for a test ride at Van Raam. Via Medipoint, a dealer of Van Raam, I tested and ordered the Midi tricycle. The contact with the dealer was good and I had to wait a month for the bike to be delivered.

Positive things about the Midi

For me it's a good thing that I don't have to get off my bike at the traffic light. I also don't have to put a lot of effort to pedal and that saves my energy. I mainly use the tricycle to go to the shops. I like to go for a ride, sometimes I cycle 5 kilometers back and forth. I cycle through Rijswijk, Delft and The Hague, through all kinds of surroundings.

Ride through Rijswijk

Ashnadebie is a blogger and YouTuber and regularly shares her experiences on Van Raam's Midi tricycle. Watch a video of Ashnadebie on her Midi through Rijswijk on Instagram.

Ashnadebie Kalidien - Rijswijk, the Netherlands
Type: Midi tricycle

Pros & cons
  • No need to get off at traffic lights
  • Little force required for pedalling
  • More freedom and exercise
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