Van Raam tricycle for invalid


Van Raam tricycle for invalid

Bikes \ Tricycles
Van Raam
Van Raam tricycle for invalid

Sometimes cycling on a regular bike with two wheels is no longer possible and a tricycle is the solution. Van Raam is a manufacturer of special needs bikes and has several tricycles in its range that are suitable for an invalided person (someone with a disability). Read more about these tricycles here, view photos and read experiences of people with a Van Raam trike.

Van Raam Maxi tricycle for invalid person
On this photo you see the Van Raam Maxi tricycle.

Why a tricycle?

A tricycle can be the perfect solution for invalid people who cannot (or can no longer) cycle on a regular two-wheeler or for people who are afraid of falling while cycling. Read more about this in the article: 'Avoid falling off the bike and choose a tricycle'. The tricycle can be a solution for an invalid, because the tricycle always remains upright. This is due to the extra, third wheel on the bicycle. There is no need to hold the bicycle and keep it in balance or get off the bike during a stop. You can stay on the tricycle and keep both feet on the pedals. The tricycle is therefore very suitable for people who have difficulty keeping their balance.

If you have become an invalid person, switching from a two-wheeler to a tricycle can be difficult, you suddenly have a completely different way of transportation with which you have to learn to cope. It can also feel very insecure, because with a tricycle it is more visible that you have a disability. To remove some uncertainty, read more about the use of the tricycle in the article: 'Cycling on a tricycle for adults'. If you have a good feel for cycling on a tricycle, you will be a lot more confident on your bike.

Tricycles come in different shapes and sizes and each tricycle has its own unique characteristics. It is therefore important to take a good look at which tricycle suits you best. This can be done by making a test ride on different tricycles.

Van Raam tricycles for invalid people

Van Raam has several special needs bikes in its range for invalid people, but the largest selection are the tricycles. There are tricycles for children, tricycles for women, tricycles for seniors and tricycles for adults.

These are the different types of trikes at Van Raam:

  • Traditional tricycle: two rear wheels, one front wheel, high sitting position.
    At Van Raam we have the Midi and the Maxi.

  • Comfortable tricycle: with seat, low entry and lower seating position.
    At Van Raam you can find the Easy Rider Compact Small, the Easy Rider, the Easy Rider Compact and the Easy Sport.

  • Mobility scooter bike: can also be used without pedalling.
    Van Raam has the scooter bike Easy Go.

Van Raam tricycles

Van Raam tricycle for invalid
The Easy Rider Comapct Small, Easy Sport and Maxi tricycles.

  • Van Raam Midi tricycle for invalid people

    Traditional tricycle for children aged 8 and above or shorter adults.

  • Van Raam Maxi tricycle for invalid people

    Traditional, stable and smooth-running tricycle for adults.

  • easy rider compact small tricycle for kids van raam

    Sturdy and smooth tricycle with seat for children or small adults.

    Easy Rider Compact Small
  • Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle for invalid people

    Tricycle with unique frame, giving you a low entry and a lower seating position.

    Easy Rider
  • Easy Rider Compact tricycle Van Raam

    Compact tricycle suitable for small adults and large children. Due to its unique frame, it has a low step-in and lower center of gravity.

    Easy Rider Compact
  • Van Raam Easy Sport tricycle for invalid people

    Sporty tricycle for adults with under steering and ergonomic seat.

    Easy Sport
  • Van Raam Easy Sport Small tricycle

    Sporty recumbent tricycle for children and small adults with the handlebars below.

    Easy Sport Small
  • Van Raam Easy Go tricycle for invalid people

    Scooter bike as tricycle: (electric) bike and mobility scooter in one.

    Easy Go

Advantages Van Raam trikes

All Van Raam tricycles have unique riding characteristics, as for example can be read about the Easy Rider in 'Unique riding characteristics of the Easy Rider tricycle'. A Van Raam invalid tricycle therefore has a number of advantages over other tricycle tricycle brands.

Van Raam tricycles for invalid people have these advantages:

  • Stable and agile
  • Short turning radius
  • Available with a lot of options
  • Cycles and steers smooth
  • Fits through a normal door
  • Easy entry
  • Available in different sizes
  • Proven high quality
  • Nice and modern design
  • Often already the 3rd or 4th generation bike
  • Developed and produced in-house
  • Easy to operate

Electric tricycle for invalid people

All Van Raam tricycles can be equipped with electric pedal support. If necessary, this can also be mounted on the bike afterwards. Van Raam has its own pedal support system, the Silent System. The motors, the batteries, the controller, the Smart display and the software have been developed by and for Van Raam and the wishes of invalid persons for an electrically special needs bicycle have been carefully considered. Van Raam's pedal support system has several advantages, including:

  • Very easy to operate
  • The possibility to cycle backwards with pedal support
  • Three levels of support and a starting aid to help you to cycle
  • Powerful but almost silent motors and safe batteries
  • Individually programmable support adapted to the disability
Van Raam pedal assistance and gear Mini childrens trike
The Van Raam Easy Rider with pedal support and the E-Bike App

With the Silent System it is also possible to use the Van Raam e-bike app. This app can be downloaded to your smartphone and allows you to change your support modes and view bike information.

More about pedal support

Special needs bike for an invalid person

A bicycle for an invalid can be a tricycle, but also a wheelchair bike, duo bike, tandem or low entry bike. View more bicycles for invalid in the article: 'Bike for an invalid by Van Raam'.

Invalid bike

Trying out a tricycle yourself

As a invalid person it is possible at Van Raam in Varsseveld to try out a tricycle yourself. By appointment you will receive advice from a technical advisor and you can make a test ride on the test track. An offer will be made and you can use this offer to order the tricycle at a Van Raam dealer near you (sometimes it's possible to make a test ride at the dealer). The showroom at Van Raam is very accessible for people with a disability and has a toilet and a parking space for people with a disability.

Plan a test ride

Experiences with a Van Raam tricycle

The invalid persons below all have a Van Raam tricycle. They have these tricycles for different reasons. Read more experiences on our user experiences-page.

Customer experience tricycle Midi Rosita Rampertaap
9 / 10
Customer experience tricycle Midi - Rosita Rampertaap
My name is Rosita Rampertaap, I’m 34 years old and I live in Brummen. For years I have a tricycle made by Van Raam. I have the Midi model, since I'm not that big. I have this because of my handicap. As a result of a Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, my balance is disturbed, which means that I cannot cycle on a regular bicycle.
Read this customer experience
User experience tricycle for adults Maxi - Dominique van Steijn
9 / 10
User experience tricycle for adults Maxi - Dominique van Steijn
I am now 18 years old and I am still very happy with my tricycle! Without my tricycle I would never have been able to cycle!
Read this customer experience
Cycling with Parkinson's on the Van Raam Easy Rider Compact e tricycle
8 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider Compact e tricycle – Rosemarie
Rosemarie can no longer ride a two-wheeler due to Parkinson’s. After taking a test ride, she opts for the Easy Rider Compact e tricycle with pedal assistance. In this customer experience, she shares her story.
Read this customer experience
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle Willy Wienholts
9 / 10
Customer experience Easy Rider tricycle - Willy Wienholts
Willy Wienholts (50) has a poor trunk balance, poor balance and due to a sports injury her lower leg was amputated. After not riding a bike for years, she is now riding her adapted Easy Rider tricycle with great pleasure.
Read this customer experience
User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Gitty Verbaal
9 / 10
User experience recumbent trike Easy Sport - Gitty Verbaal
I have been happy with my Easy Sport from Van Raam for 6 years now. Before that, I always cycled on a conventional two-wheel bike with coaster brake. Unfortunately, that changed eight years ago. I got more and more pain in my joints and cycling was more and more difficult. The moment of realisation came when I fell with my bike. This happened right in front of a car. The driver wasn’t happy with this and it became clear to me that cycling was no longer possible in this way.
Read this customer experience
Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Astrid van der Plank
9 / 10
Customer experience scooter bike Easy Go - Astrid van der Plank
I am Astrid van der Plank (44) and I own the Easy Go scooter bike since July 2018. I use a scooter bike because I have Spinocerebellar Ataxia type 28 (SCA28). SCA28 is a rare chronic neurological disease that, among other things, causes balance and coordination problems. When I could no longer cycle on a bike with two wheels, because I fell continuously, I started looking at alternatives. I tried several Van Raam bikes, but nowadays I am happy to use my scooter bike Easy Go.
Read this customer experience
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Van Raam

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