Customer experiences

Customer experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike – Stefanie Robinson

Customer experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike – Stefanie Robinson
10 / 10

Stefanie and Elijah are very happy with the VeloPlus wheelchair bike and can go on amazing bike trips.

VeloPlus wheelchair bike
(Ral 7047) Telegrey 4 matt
Pedal assist, Mirror
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Customer experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike Van Raam Stefanie Robinson
Customer experience Van Raam VeloPlus wheelchair bike Stefanie Robinson

Emotional day

"We had an amazing and emotional day with Van Raam's fantastic representative in Treuchtlingen. Elijah had so much fun with this experience and will love the VeloPlus electric wheelchair bike!
This is participation in life and it makes me very happy. I want to thank from the bottom of my heart all the donors of the 'Freude für Alle' campaign, you have no idea how lucky we are. This summer we can go on amazing bike trips!"

Stefanie Robinson - Treuchtlingen, Germany
Type: VeloPlus wheelchair bike

Customer experience VeloPlus wheelchair bike Stefanie
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