Customer experiences

User experience tricyce for children Mini - Mother of Duncan

User experience tricyce for children Mini - Mother of Duncan
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What do you wish for a cheerful and happy little boy who is in a wheelchair because of his disability? For Van Raam, the answer to this question is clear: a piece of contemporary mobility. At Van Raam, we believe that as long as people can stay mobile, they are happier. We are very happy with all the positive stories we hear from our end users. So it is good to hear that the cheerful and happy boy from the introduction can now enjoy cycling among his peers thanks to the children's tricycle Mini. Read in this article the user experience of the children's tricycle Mini told by the mother of Duncan.

Mini tricycle
Royalblue / red / yellow
Foot fixation, Banana saddle, Backrest support, Hip belt, Push bar, Special handles
Configure your bike
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  • user experience van raam mini tricycle for children mother of duncan
  • user experience van raam mini tricycle bike for children mother of duncan

Cycling on a tricycle for children

This story is about Duncan, a cheerful six-year-old boy who, because he was born far too early, has suffered brain damage. The doctors diagnosed Duncan with Spastic Cerebral Paresis, which for Duncan means, among other things, that he cannot walk on his own and is therefore in a wheelchair.
But even though Duncan is in a wheelchair, he is just as happy as his peers and wants to be part of it as much as any other child. That's why Duncan has a tricycle next to his wheelchair, which he can use to cycle with his friends. Duncan's first tricycle was a Sunny Acky, a children's tricycle that liked it very much, but because Duncan had grown considerably in a short period of time it became too small.
Because cycling on a tricycle did Duncan well, they looked for an alternative to the Sunny Acky. The advisor of Welzorg, who is also regularly present at the school of Duncan, then arranged another tricycle. This was Van Raam's Mini tricycle. Because the advisor Duncan knew Duncan a bit longer, he knew exactly what Duncan needed and even without trying the bike was ordered and turned out to be very positive.

Delivery children's tricycle Mini

The delivery of the children's tricycle Mini took place via Welzorg of the municipality of Gorinchem. The ordering and delivery went smoothly so that in the new school year Duncan could show his new tricycle immediately to his classmates. Changes and extra options that were added later were easy to pass on and the communication with Welzorg was clear. Welzorg even gave Duncan a nice Micky Mouse bell!

Special options on tricycle

In order to support Duncan as much as possible while riding, the Mini tricycle has special options. For example, the Mini has foot fixation that ensure that Duncan's feet do not shoot off the pedals due to his spasm. In addition, Duncan has a banana saddle for extra grip, a backrest, abdominal belt and a pedal system. And finally, the tricycle has a push bar so that Duncan's companion can support him during cycling and the tricycle has a uninterruped steering wheel. The uninterrupted steering wheel make it easier for Duncan to operate the bike, rather than having to keep his hands in the same place all the time.

I notice during cycling trips with the Mini that a lot of people look at the bike with admiration and often give compliments to Duncan. Everyone thinks it's a cool tricycle!

Renée Sersansie (Mother of Duncan)

Guided cycling

When Duncan cycles on his Mini, there must always be an accompanying person present who can support Duncan. As a result, it is unfortunately not possible for us to make joint cycling trips. I can go to the park together with Duncan and he cycles there for a while and I walk with him. This way Duncan gets his exercise and I also get my 30 minutes of exercise a day. In the park there is now also a special wheelchair carousel and we found out that Duncan can also use this carousel with his Mini tricycle, haha!

Advantages tricycle

I notice during cycling trips with the Mini that a lot of people look at the bike with admiration and often give compliments to Duncan. Everyone thinks it's a cool tricycle! The flashing colours make it stand out and reinforce Duncan's positive feeling. You can just see it shining when it's on the Mini. In addition to the flashing colours, the Mini also cycles lightly.

The closed chain guard gives a safe feeling, so you can be sure that his clothes, for example, can't get stuck. But the most important thing about the Mini is that Duncan can join his friends again. His new tricycle has given him a boost and given him the chance to be his unique self.

Renée Sersansie (Mother of Duncan) - Gorinchem (the Netherlands)
Model: Mini

Pros & cons
  • Many special options
  • Flashy colours
  • Bike pedals lightly
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