Our bikes


For each Van Raam bicycle there are a lot of options available to configure the bike to your own specifications. Besides the basic options Van Raam also provides custom modifications. 

The options available for your bike are classified per type bike. You can find these options in the pricelist of the bike of your choice. The price list of the Van Raam bicycles shows the costs of the accessories and which are available for that specific bicycle.

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Hip belt Fun2Go Van Raam

Hip belt

With a hip belt, you can secure yourself more firmly to the bicycle seat. This ensures a more secure and safer riding experience. You wrap the belt around your hip.

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Van Raam bicycles in various colors

Colour on request

Each Van Raam bike has two standard colours. We can also powder coat the bikes in a RAL colour on request. This way it is possible to personalize your bike.

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Van Raam special needs bikes uninterrupted handlebar with push brake

Special handles

In addition to the standard handlebar, Van Raam also has an uninterrupted handlebar. This handlebar is suitable for people who have difficulty holding the (standard) handlebar.

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Direction indicators for Fun2Go tandem bike Van Raam

Direction indicator

You can add direction indicators (blinkers) to many Van Raam bicycles, enhancing visibility and safety, especially if signaling with your hand is difficult or when riding in low-light conditions.

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Gear lever option Van Raam

Gear lever

When you cannot change gears by hand to a higher or lower gear, for example when you have less strength in your hands, it is possible to place a gear lever on the gear handle.

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Van Raam Easy Rider mountain gears option

Mountain gears

The mountain gear option can be used when cycling in a hilly or mountainous area. Here, you need a lighter gear ratio, with which you cover less distance per rotation. This makes cycling easier.

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Eccentric crank Van Raam bikes

Eccentric crank

An eccentric crank can help individuals with limited knee and/or hip mobility by reducing the required knee movement/bend compared to the unaffected side.

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Cranck shortener option Van Raam bike

Crank shortener

If the leg-to-pedal length ratio leads to an improper cycling position, a crank shortener can help. It reduces the distance and your pedaling motion during cycling.

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English model Fun2Go side-by-side tandem Van Raam

English model

For countries where you have to drive on the left, Van Raam has the 'English model' option. Elements such as the rear light are mounted to the right side.

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Van Raam Bike Pedal Extenders 2 cm

Pedal extenders

Van Raam offers two sizes of pedal extenders in its assortment: 2 and 4 cm. A pedal extender can be a solution in cases of adapted footwear or a deviant foot position.

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Van Raam double bike panniers


Van Raam has panniers in its product range. These are a double pannier bags or a single-sided pannier bag. A pannier offers more comfort and is ideal for carrying small daily groceries.

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Van Raam low entry bike Balance stationary crank

Floating pedal

The floating pedal, or stationary crank, helps when one side has a blocked knee or hip, preventing bending. An adjustment is made to the frame so that you can cycle with one leg.

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All options in the configurator

You can also assemble your own bicycle with the online configuration tool and here you will also find a list of possible options and accessories.