rickshaw service to the vaccination office


With the Chat rickshaw bike to the vaccination office

Bikes \ Transport bikes
Van Raam
rickshaw service to the vaccination office

In England the Chat rickshaw bike is being used to transport elderly to the vaccination office. Bury St Edmunds offers free rickshaw deliveries and rides with their two rickshaw bikes, recently the Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike was added to this.

Free rickshaw service for people who need help

The free rickshaw service of the foundation Bury St Edmunds Rickshaw is used a lot since the corona pandemic. In the beginning of the crisis volunteers started delivering groceries and prescriptions bij rickshaw bike for people who need help. The volunteers of Bury St. Edmunds are very happy that they could now help people get to their vaccination appointments by rickshaw bike for free. "We can actually go out any of those days that they get their date for their vaccination, collect them from their home, take them to the vaccination centre, stay with them while they have the appointment and then take them back to their home," says volunteer Sam Reid to ITV.com.

free rickshaw service for people who need help to the vaccination office
chat rickshaw service to the vaccination office
rickshaw service brings people who need help to the vaccination office

Already 800 people got help during the pandemic

The service has about 50 volunteers doing up to 40 deliveries a day. Through the pandemic, they've already helped about 800 people with the rickshaws. One of the people in need is Margaret Wilkin, who hadn't been out in almost a year. "It's been absolutely wonderful, I couldn't have wished for anything more comfortable, or easier and we came back by the scenic route so had a lovely trip around the town. I felt like royalty! I mean I've got a rug over my knees like the Queen, I was waving at a friend who I passed in the street. It was lovely to getout", Margaret Wilkin says to ITV.com.

It's been absolutely wonderful, I couldn't have wished for anything more comfortable, or easier. I felt like royalty!

Service get Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike donated

The Englisch rickshaw service recently got a new bike: the Chat rickshaw bike by Van Raam. The bike is donated by Jacobs Allen Chartered Accountants. Sheila Burke, director of Jacobs Allen Chartered Accountants, said in the East Anglian Daily Times: “We are so proud to have supported Bury Saint Edmunds Rickshaw from the beginning. The new bike is orange and very handsome, and will be popular for pleasure rides and deliveries long after we’re through this lockdown.”

Video: Rickshaw service on air

Watch the video of ITV.com in which volunteers and people who need help, such as Margaret Wilkin, tells about the rickshaw service. At the end reporter Anglia's Tanya Mercer takes a ride at the Chat rickshaw bike by Van Raam.

Chat rickshaw transport bike

The Chat rickshaw bike ismeant to ride together with people who are no longer able to participate in traffic on their own. With the rickshaw bike you can transport one of two people who are seated next to each other. The driver sits behind this cockpit and has an overview of the road, but also of the occupants. The Chat rickshaw bike comes standard with our electric pedal support, which make it a good bicycle taxi. Read more about this transport bike on the prodcut page.


chat rickshaw service for getting old people who need help to the vaccination office


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Van Raam

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