Adaptive Van Raam bike in traffic


With an adaptive bike participating in traffic

Tips \ On the go
Van Raam
Adaptive Van Raam bike in traffic

With an adaptive bicycle participating in traffic for the first time, is for many people an exciting moment. Cycling on a tricycle can feel uncomfortable at first. Also, some people fear that road users will not think of them when they are on an adaptive bicycle. But is this fear correct? And wat if you are afraid to cycle? What is the solution for that problem? In this article you can read some experiences of Van Raam bicycle users and read what the possibilities are when you want to participate in traffic safely with an adaptive bike.

Experiences of Van Raam end consumers

Van Raam speaks a lot with end consumers who have a Van Raam bicycle. By starting a dialogue with these users, we get a good view idea of how they like our bikes in daily life. We find it nice to hear that people who use an adaptive bike are very happy with the behavior of other traffic users.

For example, we often hear from people with an adaptive bicycle that they automatically get right of way, sometimes even without being entitled to it. Other road users abruptly get off their own bike and, as a real traffic policeman, clear the way for you so you can safely cross. Although we always advise you to pay attention in traffic, with or without an adaptive bicycle, but we do want to tell you these stories.

Read the experiences of Van Raam bicycle consumers below. Click on 'read more' to read their entire experience about our adaptive bikes.

User experience Midi tricycle Monique van Stuijvenberg

Ma’am, do you need help crossing the street?

A while ago a woman came to me with firm steps. She said, "I will help you to the other side, miss." She stepped onto the busy street and beckoned to me: 'Yes, you can go .. careful, the cars will wait.’

User experience

User experiences Easy Sport recumbent trike Cindy van Bemmelen

They help me to get the bike on the train

And if there is sometimes an older train with a high entry, there are always fellow travelers or a conductor who will gladly help me to get the bike on the train. People are even amazed at how light he is...

User experience

Getting used to a tricycle

Even though other road users seem to keep people with adaptive bikes in mind, it is also important that you feel safe with your adaptive bike. During our conversations with end consumers we hear that in the beginning some people had to get used to switch from a bicycle with two wheels to a tricycle. Especially if you've cycled your entire life on a regular bike with two wheels. Saskia Van Sprundel talks extensively about this in her user experience about the Easy Rider tricycle with seat. Read her experience here.

At Van Raam we understand that you must get used to riding a tricycle. Besides your bike has an extra wheel, there are also many other new things. With a tricycle you can always leave your feet on the pedals without falling over. In addition, you no longer have to think about your balance because the bicycle keeps itself in balance. This can be difficult for some people in the beginning, especially in a bend.
Can you use some tips for cycling on a tricycle? Or are you considering purchasing a tricycle? If you click on the orange button you can read tips about cycling on a tricycle!

Tips for cycling on a tricycle

Recumbent tricycle Easy Rider
Read the experiences of Saskia with the Easy Rider in her user experience
Learning to ride a tricycle cycling school Van Raam Easy Rider tricycle
A course for your tricycle (photo: Fietsersbond Corné Sparidaens)

Feeling insecure on an adaptive bike in traffic

If you are completely used to your adaptive bike, but you are still afraid to hit the road? You can always take a course where you learn to feel more secure.

For example, the Dutch ‘Fietsersbond’ offers several projects in which one wants to stimulate the use of the tricycle. Van Raam is also committed to this initiative and can be found regularly on the "Driewielfiets Ontdekdagen" (Dutch). During these days, people can take cycling lessons and try out tricycles. This is made possible by a ‘Fietsschool (bike school).

Try a Van Raam bike

Are you considering buying an adaptive bike? Or would you like to try one of our bikes to see which adaptive bike is most suitable for you? Then our advisors (in Varsseveld, the Netherlands) will gladly advise you!

During your visit to Varsseveld you will get the opportunity to view and try different Van Raam bicycles without obligation. Click on the button below to make an appointment.

Make an appointment

Showroom Van Raam special needs bikes
Our advisors give you advice during a test ride
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Written by
Van Raam

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Do you have any questions?

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