Van Raam Varsseveld service


Where can I go for Van Raam bicycle repair?

Tips \ Service
Van Raam Varsseveld service

At Van Raam, we do everything we can to ensure your bicycle lasts as long as possible. This starts with the production of our frames and continues through to the maintenance performed by your Van Raam dealer. However, if it happens that your bike needs repairing, then you'll want to know where you can go for bicycle repair. We'll tell you more about this in this article.

Bicycle Repair Near You

Van Raam works with dealers. This could be, for example, the bicycle shop around the corner from you. Therefore, you don't buy your bike directly from Van Raam but from one of our bicycle dealers. You can also go to this dealer for maintenance on your bike and bicycle repairs. Because we work with local bicycle shops, there is always a location for bicycle repair nearby. So, if you encounter any problems, you can go to your Van Raam dealer. They can repair your bike, allowing you to quickly enjoy your Van Raam bicycle again.

Van Raam dealer near you

Van Raam Varsseveld service

Bicycle Repair at Van Raam

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send your Van Raam bicycle directly to Van Raam for bicycle repair. Therefore, always go to your dealer first if your bike needs repairing. Your Van Raam dealer can, if necessary, contact our Aftersales department when needed. They will then support the dealer, and in some cases, Van Raam will carry out the repair.

Maintenance to Prevent Bicycle Repair

If your bicycle is well-maintained, the chance of it breaking down decreases. Therefore, it's important to perform regular maintenance to keep your Van Raam bicycle in optimal condition. Part of the maintenance can be done by yourself. Read more about maintaining your Van Raam bicycle on the maintenance page. In addition to the maintenance you perform yourself, it's also important that your bicycle is checked annually by a Van Raam dealer.

Tips for maintenance

fun2go duo bike maintenance van raam

What Does Van Raam Do to Prevent Bicycle Repair?

At Van Raam, we develop and produce our bicycles in our modern factory in Varsseveld, the Netherlands. In doing so, we pay a lot of attention to the quality of our bicycles. For example, before leaving the factory, your bicycle is checked by one of our final inspectors. Read more about the final inspection in the article 'Video quality control of a Van Raam bicycle'. 

Want to know more about what Van Raam does to prevent bicycle repair and ensure quality? Then take a look at our innovation page.

Innovation at Van Raam

inspection of the handlebars and brakes of a van raam bicycle
Christel Wildenbeest
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