Make a test ride at Van Raam in Varsseveld or visit a Van Raam dealer


What steps do you take after a test ride at Van Raam?

Shopping \ Test ride
Make a test ride at Van Raam in Varsseveld or visit a Van Raam dealer

Have you taken a test ride at Van Raam or are you planning to do so soon? Then it's good to know what to do after the test ride. That's why we're giving you a number of steps in this article that you can take to help you after your test ride.

A test ride at Van Raam

At Van Raam in Varsseveld, you can make an appointment for a test ride with one of our advisors. During the test ride, we will determine which bike suits you best and whether there are any options needed to make your biking experience even better. Based on the consultation, we will prepare a quote for you. This quote is fully tailored to your wishes and needs, including any modifications to the bike. This way, you know exactly what to expect, both in terms of the bike and the costs.


Haven't taken a test ride yet and want to be well-prepared for it? Then consider reading the article '4 important tips for taking a test ride'.

1. Visit your Van Raam dealer

The first step after your test ride is to visit a Van Raam dealer near you. Based on the quote you received from Van Raam, they can order your bike. The dealer will assist you with any questions and ensure the final delivery of your bike.

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2. Ordering and delivery of your bike

Your dealer will place the order for your bike with Van Raam. From that moment, we ensure that your bike is produced and prepared with the utmost care. Delivering your bike often takes a few weeks. You can view our current delivery times on the page 'Current production time Van Raam bicycles'.

Once your bike is ready, it will be delivered to the dealer, where you can pick it up. Of course, your dealer is ready to help you with adjusting the bike and answering any questions you may have.

3. Enjoy your Van Raam bike

Once your bike is properly adjusted, you can start enjoying your new bike! Start with short distances in a familiar environment to get used to it. Read the article 'Cycling on a tricycle for adults' for tips on cycling on a tricycle. Once you are familiar with your bike, you can start covering longer distances. Van Raam wishes you lots of cycling fun!

Easy Rider Compact tricycle Van Raam

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Christel Wildenbeest
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