Reasons why people choose a tricycle
1. A tricycle gives you stability
A tricycle offers stability and more comfort during (long) bike rides compared to a regular bike with side wheels. This is partly because the design of a tricycle is different from a regular bike with two wheels. A traditional bike with two wheels is initially not built for side wheels and because of this the cycling on a two-wheeled bicycle with side wheels can feel unstable, partly because the center of gravity on a traditional two-wheeler is higher. It should be noted that cycling on a tricycle is also getting used to in the beginning for many people. In the article 'cycling on a tricycle for adults' we give you handy tips that you can use while cycling on a tricycle.
2. With a tricycle you don't get out of balance
On a tricycle you cannot get out of balance, even if you cycle very slowly. Because of the low centre of gravity of most of our tricycles you are closer to the ground and the bike feels more stable. In addition, all wheels of the tricycle are always on the ground, some models of side wheels for adults always stay a few centimeters above the ground.
3. With Van Raam's adaptive bikes you can cycle backwards
If you choose pedal support on your adaptive bike, you have the unique possibility to also cycle backwards. This function is very useful, for example, when turning or cycling from a bicycle parking facility.
4. You can sit on a tricycle when you don't cycle
Because all three wheels on a tricycle stand firmly on the ground, you can easily sit on your tricycle when you stop for a traffic light. You do not have to put your feet on the ground.