video chat rickshaw bike with intermediate screening together


Video Chat rickshaw bike with protection screen

Bikes \ Transport bikes
Van Raam
video chat rickshaw bike with intermediate screening together

With the Chat rickshaw bike, one driver can transport two guests side by side. In Corona times it becomes so difficult to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters. Therefore, read and see in our video and step by step guide how you can mount the protection screen.

Protection screen no longer available

The protection screen for the Chat is no longer available. Explore all available options in our assortment on the overview page.

Video: Easily attach the protection screen on the Chat

Step by step instructions for mounting the protection screen


Lower the footplate and remove the cushion from the seat. By loosening all the push buttons of the cushion.  

Step 2:

The opening next to the belts is now accessible. There is a small luggage compartment at the rear of the bench seat. On the underside of this compartment is an opening that leads to the front of the bench seat. Push the rubber band and hook through here so that the hook comes out at the front of the seat.

Step 3: 

Place the cushion back on the bench. Pull the elastic and straps through the opening in the center of the cushion. Then hook the cord into the eyelet of the screen.

video chat rickshaw bike with protection screen sitting bench

Step 4: 

Attach the rubber band to the back of the seat on the steering tube. Use the attachment clip to form a loop to adjust the tension on the cord.

Step  5:

Now attach the protection screen to the top of the hood.
Pass the cord under the frame on the back of the hood and attach the hook to the eyelet.

Step 6:

Repeat step 5 on the front of the canopy. Then attach the cord to the eyelet

video chat rickshaw bike with intermediate shield mount

Step 7:

Open some push buttons to fit the cable through and pull the cord along behind the head tube.

Step 8:

Hook the end of the tape into the eyelet. The length of the band can be adjusted using the retaining clip. The rubber band can then be attached to the eyelet on the horizontal tube that is now visible. 

Step 9:

Hook the end of the cord into the eyelet. The length of the band can be adjusted using the retaining clip. 

Please also read the PDF assembly instructions.

video chat rickshaw bike with intermediate screening together

Protection screen on the Chat

  • video chat rickshaw bike with protection screen from the front
  • video chat rickshaw bike with protection screen from the side
  • video mount chat rickshaw bike with protection screen
  • chat rickshaw bike with protection screen

Safe and sociable cycling with physical barrier

Through the protection screen persons can cycle again and continue on the Chat together without (possibly) infecting the other person.
The protection screen is made of a polyurethaan foil and is completely transparent. The shielding is therefore not only safer in terms of corona measures, but also safer because it not deprived of vision.
Everyone can still see the surroundings and each other and talk to each other "as usual" and also see. By developing protection screen, Chat users can still go out and take a bike ride together during Corona time.

video chat rickshaw bike with protection screen safe and sociable

Available at your dealer

The protection screen for the Chat rickshaw bike can be ordered at Van Raam dealers while stocks last. The protection screen can be mounted on all Chat bikes. Click the button below to find a dealer near you!

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Van Raam

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