Duo trike via fundraising and subsidy
For a group of people from Vinkel, who can't or don't dare to cycle independently or who don't feel safe cycling alone and/or need support, Werkgroep Duofiets has been able to buy an electric duo trike. Werkgroep Duofiets comments on Wilskrachtvinkel: "Cycling is relaxing, healthy and fun. As soon as the weather is nice, you see a lot of cyclists in our beautiful region. However, there is also a group of people in Vinkel who would like to do this but can no longer do this on their own."
The duo trike was purchased through fundraising and subsidy. The subsidy providers for this bicycle are; Kansfonds, Oranjefonds, Gemeente (municipality) 's-Hertogenbosch (Wijkbudget), ANWB Fonds, RCOAK (Rooms Catholijk Oude Armen Kantoor) and Rabobank Clubsupport. In addition, a contribution was made from the reserves of KBO Vinkel. (Source: Wilskrachtvinkel.nl).