tricycle for adults easy rider


User experience: electric tricycle Easy Rider

Bikes \ Tricycles
Van Raam
tricycle for adults easy rider

Mrs. Van Lieshout is 63 years old and experiences difficulty walking and difficulty with balance. Because cycling on a regular bicycle was becoming more and more difficult to her, she purchased one of Van Raam’s electric tricycles: the Easy Rider 2. We received the following message about her first experience with the Easy Rider tricycle. She wanted her positive experience to be shared with potential Easy Rider users.

“I am 63 and I have a neurological disorder (hereditary spastic paraplegia) which causes difficulty walking and difficulty with balance, among other things. Cycling on a normal bicycle was becoming more and more difficult; especially getting on and off the bicycle was unsafe. After falling from my bicycle several times last winter I no longer felt safe and got little physical activity that way. Last year it came to the point where I would be worn out after a 6 mile ride.

After much consideration I decided to go to Van Raam for more information. I wasn’t looking forward to riding a tricycle at all, but I wanted to be more physically active and enjoy nature. I decided to purchase the Easy Rider after a good conversation with one of Van Raam’s advisors. Thinking of the sunny days when I would go on 45 – 50 mile rides with my husband, I added the option of a long range battery.

tricycle for adults easy rider

I have had my Easy Rider for a few weeks now and I enjoy riding my tricycle to work and for long distance rides. I really had to get used to riding the tricycle. I rode 4 miles the first day, 8 miles the next day and after two weeks I went for a 28-mile ride. This was a very positive experience because for the past couple of months hadn’t been able to ride a regular bicycle for more than 6 miles without feeling exhausted. It would take me a lot of energy. Now, cycling gives me energy; I cycle around 60 miles a week. 

I am able to enjoy riding again, even the dirt roads in the forest are no problem for me and my Easy Rider. I am grateful for all the possibilities I gained because of the Easy Rider and I feel a lot better. I hope I will be able to ride my tricycle for a long time. 

I find it important to see more people expand their network and freedom and, of course, to see them exercise despite their physical disabilities.


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