I have had my Easy Rider for a few weeks now and I enjoy riding my tricycle to work and for long distance rides. I really had to get used to riding the tricycle. I rode 4 miles the first day, 8 miles the next day and after two weeks I went for a 28-mile ride. This was a very positive experience because for the past couple of months hadn’t been able to ride a regular bicycle for more than 6 miles without feeling exhausted. It would take me a lot of energy. Now, cycling gives me energy; I cycle around 60 miles a week.
I am able to enjoy riding again, even the dirt roads in the forest are no problem for me and my Easy Rider. I am grateful for all the possibilities I gained because of the Easy Rider and I feel a lot better. I hope I will be able to ride my tricycle for a long time.
I find it important to see more people expand their network and freedom and, of course, to see them exercise despite their physical disabilities.