Similar to a refrigerator
When the heat pumps were installed by Heva and the at least 18 cm thick, concrete floor has been poured, the system could be set in motion. At first, the temperature of the floor has been set extra high in order to reach the desired temperature. After more than a week, the factory has reached the right level. Now, the climate system just uses minimal power to keep the indoor temperature the same.
The factory can be compared with a refrigerator: if you keep the door of the refrigerator closed, the temperature will remain the same and very little energy will be used. This principle also applies to the new bicycle factory. Every large entrance has an air lock area between doors to keep the heat inside. And instead of opening a window, conditioned fresh air enters through the ventilation system. Because of this, the temperature in the factory will remain the same as much as possible. The climate system goes one step further in the production area: warm air rises from the floor, and will be drained by the ventilation system. Then the air is filtered and brought back into the production area together with fresh air (to maintain good air quality). During the day, circulation occurs more often for fresh air. With this sustainable climate system, the temperature will not get below the 18° Celsius during the winter and during the summer not rise above the 24° Celsius.