Tricycle Diederik Wieringa


More than 3000 miles per year on the Easy Rider tricycle

Bikes \ Tricycles
Van Raam
Tricycle Diederik Wieringa

For anyone who has often visited our social media already saw one of more pictures of Diederik Wierenga. Diederik has traveled many thousands of miles on the Easy Rider tricycle with pedal assistance.

In 2009 Diederik had a stroke. From that moment the right-side of his body is weaker than the left-side and his balance is permanently disrupted. During his rehabilitation in the rehabilitation center Diederik became acquainted with the Van Raam special needs bikes.

In 2010 Diederik gets his first Easy Rider supported by the Dutch law  ‘’Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning’’ (Social Support Act). With his first Easy Rider Diederik cycled more than 3700 miles in 6 years. With his second Easy Rider Diederik cycled in 2 years more than 6200 miles. Recently he has bought himself a new Easy Rider with electric support for many bike rides again. 

Diederik in the media

Diederik gets a lot of attention with his bike. An overview: 2013: The magazine ‘Zonnebloem’, a magazine for people with physical disabilities, made a nice report about adults riding on a tricycle. One of the users was the then 38-year-old Diederik. He said that the Easy Rider gives him a lot of freedom back and that he ‘feels free like a bird’ with his Easy Rider. In 2014 Diederik cycled more than 620 miles in a month to get attention for the Dutch Raisin Hope Foundation (RHF). In 2015 Diederik took part in a cycle event. He cycled 4 days in a row 25 miles.

Diederik about this tricycle

That Diederik is happy with his tricyle must be clear: “Exercise is a very important way to improve yourself. With ABI (acquired brain injury) exercise is not always possible, but an aid can help. For me is the Easy Ride tricycle much more than that. It has given me meaning of live and the feeling of freedom. Despite my limitations I can, thanks to the Easy Rider, be part of the society and I will not sit pathetic at home.

Movement makes happy, and with the Easy Rider success is guaranteed”.

2014: cycling 1.000 kilometers with the Easy Rider for Raising Hope

Due to his perseverance and the many cycling on the Easy Ridertricycle, Diederik has taken his physical condition to a higher level.

Diederik is one of the ambassadors of the Raisin Hope Foundation (RHF) and has experienced that he has become physically and mentally stronger through cycling.

In one month he will cycle 1,000 kilometers for the RHF, a foundation that supports victims of traumatic brain injury.

Read the whole article here

Tricycle Diederik Wieringa
Bicycle tour on the three wheeled bicycle Easy Rider
Facebookpost from Diederik: Super happy with the new Easy Rider

2016: A new Easy Rider with pedal assistance

In December 2016 Diederik seated on his new matt blue Easy Rider tricycle with electric pedal assistance (Silent HT Engine) and 23.5 AH battery at the bike shop in his hometown Norg. 

biketour on the three wheel bicycle Easy Rider

On his own  blog Diederik writes: 
“Today I picked up my new Easy Rider at the bike shop in Norg. I chose the blue color instead of the standard green color. After more than 15500 miles on an Easy Rider the only logical choice was to buy a new Easy Rider. With this bike I hope cycle a lot of miles again. Freedom and happiness with this bike, I can go anywhere and enjoy the ride. ”

Freedom on a tricycle

Het Nationaal Keurmerk Hulpmiddelen (NKH) (Dutch National Hallmark for assistive devices) ran a story contest between users of assistive devices in the fall of 2016. The objective was to have them share their stories with people who could possibly benefit from the use of such a tool or device. Diederik also shared his story. Read his story: 'Freedom on a tricycle'.

Adult tricycle with pedal support
We wish Diederik a lot of fun and safe miles with his new Easy Rider tricycle!

2018: Article in de Telegraaf (Dutch newspaper) - Driewielers fast and secure

In the Telegraaf (a Dutch newspaper), an article is dedicated to the tricycle with, among others, Diederik Wierenga who talks about his Easy Rider tricycle.

Driewielers vlug en veilig Telegraaf september 2018
Article 'Driewielers vlug & veilig' (Telegraaf)
Driewielfiets voor volwassenen in sneeuw
Driewielfiets Easy Rider in sneeuw

January 2019: with the tricycle through the snow

In January 2019 there was snow in the Netherlands. Diederik has cycledwith his Easy Rider tricycle.

"There was still a lot of snow on the narrow paths, only cyclists had not walked past it. Thanks to the pedal assistance I succeeded, apart from slipping and a lot of slidings it was very nice.

With three wheels you are a lot more stable than with two wheels. These are the few days that others are a little bit jealous of my bike. Yet I would prefer to ride a two-wheel bike myself, especially if you know the reason why I have a tricycle. But if I have to choose a tricycle, the Easy Rider is the best choice for me, with this bike I can do almost anything. Especially now that I no longer have a car and therefore have become even more dependent on the bicycle. This bike is the gateway to the rest of the world for me. "

2019: Diederik with Easy Rider on the cover of a magazine

There's a nice picture of Diederik with the Easy Rider on the cover of the Boogh Magazine. A magazine for and by people with a brain injury. In the magazine they pay,among other things, attention to the Raisin Hope Foundation, which makes cycling possible for everyone.

Boogh is the specialist in the field of counseling, treatment, training and reintegration of people with brain injuries or physical disabilities.

Raising Hope makes cycling possible for anyone

The Easy Rider tricycle

View the Easy Rider tricycle

Tricycle for adults Easy Rider


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