Reimbursements for bicycles


Compensation for adapted bicycles in France

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Reimbursements for bicycles

In France, you can obtain subsidies and grants for your adapted bicycle through various organizations. This can be done through the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH), through the government, and through various regions in France. Explore the different schemes in this article.

Compensation in France

The adapted bicycles from Van Raam, such as tricycles, wheelchair bikes, and tandem bikes, are sometimes partially compensated through various schemes in France. In this article, we try to outline everything as clearly as possible.

Compensation through the MDPH

In France, you may qualify for a Prestation de compensation du handicap (PCH) provided by the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH). To be eligible, you must meet one of the following conditions:

  • have a complete inability to perform one major daily life activity

  • or, experience severe difficulties in performing two daily activities.

The MDPH evaluates these conditions and may grant a PCH. A PCH covers 75% - 100% of the costs of a tricycle for severely disabled individuals. The subsidy can be combined with other grants.

It is also possible to apply for an additional subsidy from the Fond Départemental de Compensation du Handicap (FDCH). This program is intended to cover the remaining costs that are borne by the person with a disability after the allocation of the Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH).

For more information, visit the website of the Public Service (Service Public).

Compensation for adapted bicycles

Compensation through the government

Individuals with disabilities who possess a mobility inclusion card, or utilize other aids for the disabled, are eligible for a subsidy from the government. This subsidy is higher than the 'regular' bicycle subsidies available in France. It amounts to a subsidy of up to 40% of the price with a maximum of €2000. For more information, visit the website of the Public Service (Service Public).

Reimbursements for bicycles

Additional subsidies through various regions and departments

It is possible to obtain additional subsidies through various regions in France, on top of the national subsidy for bicycles. For example, in Île-de-France, you can get up to 50% of the purchase price reimbursed with a maximum of €1200. To be eligible, you must possess a Carte Mobilité Inclusion (CMI) and have a reimbursement request that was denied by your private insurer.

Overview of regions and departments

Below is an overview of the different schemes per region and department. Click on the respective website links for more information.

  • Île-de-France: Subsidy up to €1200 (maximum 50% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Pays de la Loire: Subsidy up to €200 (maximum 50% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Occitanie: Eco-mobility cheque of €200. More information at:

  • Corsica: Subsidy up to €500 (maximum 25% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Grand Est: Subsidy up to €3000 (maximum 70% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Ardèche: Subsidy up to €200, only if the price of the e-bike is less than €3000 (maximum 10% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Bouches du Rhône: Subsidy up to €400 (maximum 25% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Côte d'Or: Flat-rate assistance of €250. More information at:

  • Hérault: Cheque of €200 or €250 under certain conditions. More information at:

  • Mayenne: ubsidy up to €150 for an e-bike and €300 for a cargo bike (maximum 25% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Somme: Subsidy up to €400 (maximum 25% of the purchase price). More information at:

  • Paris (city): Subsidy up to €900 (maximum 33% of the purchase price excluding VAT). More information at:

Additionally, other cities in France may offer subsidies for electric bicycles. Check the website to see if there is a scheme available in your locality.

Multiple ways to finance a bicycle

If you are not entitled to compensation for an adapted bicycle, you can choose to finance the bicycle yourself. If this is not feasible, you can also try to raise the money. Click on the button below to read the article where we have gathered several tips for fundraising.

Tips for raising money

Karin Geesink-Stegeman
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