Balance low step-through bike and Maxi tricycle by Van Raam


6 tips for summer bike riding

Tips \ On the go
Balance low step-through bike and Maxi tricycle by Van Raam

Cycling in summer is a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather while staying fit. In this article, we share some useful tips to make your summer biking experience as pleasant as possible.

Make the most of your summer cycling adventures

As summer approaches, it's the perfect season to embark on long bike rides and explore new places. Cycling in summer often means dealing with higher temperatures and brighter sunlight. We are happy to give you some tips to keep your bike rides comfortable and safe.

First of all, it is important to check your bike beforehand. Before every ride, check your tire pressure, brakes, and chain to avoid any surprises. This reduces the risk of breakdowns on the road and prevents you from unexpectedly stopping in the scorching sun. Additionally, it is always important to observe traffic rules.

Parent child tandem bicycle Kivo and tandem tricycle Kivo Plus Van Raam

Tips for cycling in the summer

  • Wear light, breathable clothing to prevent overheating. For extra sun protection, consider UV-resistant clothing.

  • Use sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. This reduces the risk of developing skin cancer and prevents you from getting sunburned (with proper use).

  • Wear sunglasses to avoid being blinded by the bright sunlight. Additionally, sunglasses help reduce eye fatigue by preventing your eyes from constantly being exposed to intense light.

  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during your ride. You tend to sweat more during activities in warm weather, so bring a water bottle with you when biking.

  • Avoid the hottest hours of the day by planning your rides for early morning or late afternoon. Midday is often when the temperature is at its highest.

  • Take occasional breaks to rest in the shade and have a drink. Listen to your body and give it the rest it needs.

With these tips, you can fully enjoy your summer cycling. Want more tips for cycling in the summer? Read the article 'Tips for cycling in the heat'.

Adapted bikes for summer bike riding

For those who need extra support, Van Raam offers a wide range of adapted bikes. These bikes are specially designed to make cycling accessible and possible for everyone. Van Raam manufactures tricycles, mobility scooter bikes, wheelchair bikes, tandems, tricycle tandems, side-by-side tandems, seating bikes, recumbent bikes, transport bikes, and low step-through bikes. Check out our range below for a great biking experience in the summer.

Balance low step-through bike and Maxi tricycle by Van Raam

Our bikes

tricycles van raam
wheelchair bikes van raam
Why is there no stand on a 3 wheeled bike Van Raam Twinny two wheel tandem
side by side tandems van raam
low step through bikes van raam
walking aid van raam
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transport bikes van raam

Make a test ride at Van Raam

Would you like to try out a Van Raam bike to see if it suits you for summer bike rides? At Van Raam, you can take a test ride to experience how comfortable these bikes are. It is sometimes also possible to take a test ride at a Van Raam dealer. Check the dealer page to see which dealer is near you. Plan a test ride today and discover which bike suits you best.

Dealer page

Karin Geesink-Stegeman
Written by

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