Chat transportbike from Van Raam


4 Advantages of the Van Raam Transport Tricycle

Bikes \ Transport bikes
Chat transportbike from Van Raam

Looking for a transport tricycle? Van Raam offers bikes designed for transporting people, ensuring a stable, safe, and comfortable journey. Whether you want to go on a bike ride or are looking for a convenient solution for mobility issues.

Video: 4 Advantages of the Van Raam Transport Tricycle

The Advantages of a Transport Tricycle

Transport tricycles, such as Van Raam's rickshaw bike and wheelchair bikes, are not only practical but also sustainable and social. Here are some reasons why you might consider purchasing a transport tricycle:

  1. Stability and Safety: Thanks to their three-wheel design, these bikes are extremely stable, making them safe for both the rider and the passenger(s).

  2. Social Interaction: With models like the rickshaw bike and wheelchair bikes, there's direct contact between the rider and the passenger(s) during the ride, providing a cozy and social experience.

  3. Sustainability: Cycling is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. With an electric transport tricycle, you can transport yourself and passengers without relying on fossil fuels.

  4. Accessibility: For people with mobility restrictions, Van Raam's wheelchair bikes offer a fantastic solution to still enjoy bike rides.

Electric wheelchair bikes Van Raam

Van Raam's Transport Tricycles

Van Raam has several models that might be of interest:

Chat transportbike from Van Raam
Van Raam OPair wheelchair bike
Wheelchair transport bike VeloPlus Van Raam

Personal Adjustments Possible

At Van Raam, we understand that every user is unique, and therefore, we offer the possibility to customize your transport tricycle to your personal wishes and needs. Our team is ready to create a bike that perfectly suits you, whether it's adding a mirror, pedal support for extra convenience during cycling, or choosing specific accessories that enhance your biking experience.

See more options

Customer Experiences with the Van Raam Transport Tricycle

Read how others have rated Van Raam's transport tricycles in our customer experiences.

Customer experience Chat electric rickschaw Van Raam Hans-Joachim Fischer
10 / 10
Customer experience Chat electric rickschaw - Hans-Joachim Fischer
For one year now, Ambulante Hauskrankenpflege Fischer in Lower Saxony has been in possession of a Van Raam Chat electric rickshaw. Since then, the transport bike has been happily used by the senior citizens in the municipality of Amelinghausen. Read Hans-Joachim Fischer's experience with the Chat electric rickshaw here.
Read this customer experience
User experience wheelchair transport bike VeloPlus - Jimmy Gustafson
10 / 10
User experience wheelchair transport bike VeloPlus - Jimmy Gustafson
I am a happy entrepreneur from company Jimlog in Porvoo, a taxi service company with a wheelchair bike at our disposal. I just wanted to thank you for the 'superbike' you developed.
Read this customer experience
Customer experience OPair wheelchair bicycle Emma Robinson
9 / 10
Customer experience OPair wheelchair bicycle - Emma Robinson
The Robinson family from Prague sent Van Raam a really nice message about the OPair wheelchair bicycle and their experiences in different countries. Read more in this customer experience.
Read this customer experience

Take a Test Ride

Curious if an electric transport tricycle is right for you? You can make a test ride at some dealers. Here, you can try out different models and experience what it's like to ride a Van Raam bike. Contact a dealer in your area and ask about the possibilities.

Dealers in your area

Free test ride on adapted bicycle in showroom Van Raam Varsseveld

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Do you have any questions?

We are happy to assist you! Please check our contact page or contact us directly using the options below.