
Kersten Hulpmiddelenspecialist

Van Raam rehabilitation specialist

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Keulsebaan 510
6045 GL
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Customer experiences
9.3 / 10
Customer experience Maxi adult tricycle - Petronella Beerman
10 / 10
Customer experience Maxi adult tricycle - Petronella Beerman
Petronella Beerman is an active woman who regularly cycles long distances. Until she suffers 3 strokes in a short period of time and was left with paralyzed finers a double vision. She developed fear of cycling and began to sway on the bike. This could not go on any longer. Then she saw her neighbor's tricycle and from that moment on a new world opened up for Petronella.
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Customer experience OPair wheelchair bike Chris Freriks
8 / 10
Customer experience OPair wheelchair bike – Chris Freriks
Chris (6) cannot cycle on his own. In order to go out in the open air with the family and to take Chris to day care and friends, to spend the night, mom Wendy purchased an OPair wheelchair bike from Van Raam. In this user experience, Wendy tells us more about Chris and their experiences with the OPair bike.
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