Customer Experiences

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Every day, Van Raam receives kind messages from its users. We'd like to share some of these messages with you so that we can show you the many possibilities of using a custom bike. Do you have a Van Raam bike yourself, or have you ever ridden one of our bikes and would you like to share your experience? Then fill out our customer experience form.

See below for various customer experiences:

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32 Customer experiences
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Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike – Franz Josef Langner

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike – Franz Josef Langner

10 / 10

Franz Josef Langner - Dreirad-Zentrum Worms

Van Raam received a very nice message from Maria and Franz Josef Langner. The Fun2Go duo bike has brought them new life energy. Read more about their experience and what it means for them.

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel trike - Harma

Customer experience Easy Rider 3 wheel trike - Harma van der Meulen

9 / 10

Harma van der Meulen

Recently we received a message from Harma, who is very happy with her Easy Rider 3 wheel trike. She chats a lot during a ride and she can use the 3 wheel trike to work on the condition.

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike - Rob en Marian Richmond

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike - Rob en Marian Richmond

8.5 / 10

Rob and Marian Richmond - Bike Totaal Smeeing

My name is Rob Richmond. I am 80 years old and I live with my wife Marian in Soest (the Netherlands). I like to do technical chores in and around the house, I am very interested in the developments in the field of energy transition, I accompany 3 choirs on the accordion, I love gardening, reading, watching a movie on Netflix and cycling. Since the end of 2020, I have been cycling together with my wife on the Fun2Go duo bike. Read more about our experiences here.

Customer experience Duo bike Fun2Go - Christine Guthmann

Customer experience Duo bike Fun2Go - Christine Guthmann

10 / 10

Christine Guthmann - Sanitaetshaus Urban und Kemmler GmbH

My name is Christine Guthmann and I am Lennox's mother. We live in a house together with my parents. They help us as much as they can. I have been caring for Lennox 24 hours a day for 16 years. Lennox has the rare Opitz-BBB syndrome. Read here how the Fun2Go has enriched them.

Customer experience Easy Rider 2 tricycle - Bjørn-Eddy Andersen

Customer experience Easy Rider 2 tricycle - Bjørn-Eddy Andersen

9 / 10

Bjørn-Eddy Andersen - Hjelpemiddelspesialisten

Bjørn-Eddy Andersen lives in Tolvsrød, Norway. Bjørn had a stroke in January 2019 and as a result his left arm and left leg were totally out of function. In this customer experience he tells more about his background and his experiences with the Easy Rider 2 tricycle.

Customer experience Ari Derboven – Midi tricycle

Customer experience Ari Derboven – Midi tricycle

9 / 10

Ari Derboven

Ari Derboven lives in Herselt (Belgium) and has recently purchased a Midi tricycle. In the beginning there was some embarrassment, but now Ari even sees his tricycle as the best purchase he has ever made. Read more about the experiences of Ari, his Midi and his dog Cliff in this customer experience.

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike - Boudewijn van Lit

Customer experience Fun2Go duo bike - Boudewijn van Lit

10 / 10

Boudewijn van Lit - Bike Totaal Vlassak

Van Raam received a really nice message from Boudewijn van Lit, a customer from Belgium who owns the Fun2Go duo bike for 3,5 years. With the double rider cycle Boudewijn can cycle safely again together with his son. In this customer experience you can read more about choosing the right bike for them, the reason for purchasing a special needs bike and their experiences with the duo bike.

User experience Easy Rider tricycle – Edith Loosli-Bussard

User experience Easy Rider tricycle – Edith Loosli-Bussard

9 / 10

Edith Loosli-Bussard

Not all activities and sports can be practiced since her accident in 2016. Until she got to know the Easy Rider in 2018. Find out what this really means to her!

User experience side-by-side tandem Fun2Go Henk and Ina

Customer experience side-by-side tandem Fun2Go – Henk and Ina

9 / 10

Henk and Ina

Henk and Ina have their own custom Fun2Go double rider cycle. With Ina as main rider and Henk as co-rider they enjoy many rides and the nature and surroundings around them. In this article, Henk and Ina tell more about their experiences.

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