Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike wins Eurobike Gold Award 2019


Chat rickshaw bike Van Raam wins Eurobike Gold Award 2019

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Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike wins Eurobike Gold Award 2019

On Wednesday 4 September 2019, Van Raam won the Eurobike Gold Award with her new rickshaw transport bike Chat. The Eurobike Award is one of the leading international design awards for companies in the bicycle industry. New and innovative products are assessed and evaluated by an independent panel of expert judges. The Chat ended in the first place in the category LEV & (E-)Special Purpose Bikes. Read on to see what the judges say about the Chat transport bike.

Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike wins Eurobike Gold Award 2019

Eurobike Award 2019

The Eurobike Award is one of the leading international design awards for companies in the bicycle industry. New and innovative products are assessed and evaluated by an independent panel of expert jury members. The awards will be handed out at the Eurobike, the world’s largest international bike fair. Here you can immerse yourself in all the beautiful things bikes have to offer from 4 to 7 September 2019. Visit the Eurobike website for more information.

In 2019, the 15th edition of the Eurobike Award took place. Van Raam competed together with just under 400 other entries for one of the 43 coveted awards, of which the Gold Award is the highest achievable award. 

Because the award is given by a non-profit and independent panel of expert jury members, the award is an important tool during the consideration and buying process of consumers.

With the Eurobike Gold Award we get the confirmation that our rickshaw transport bike/ cargo bike Chat is of high quality in the field of product innovation, functionality, quality and durability. Of course we are very happy with this international recognition and it continues to encourage us to make valuable bicycles for people with disabilities!

Chat wins Eurobike Gold Award 2019

In the video below you can see how our technical director Jan-Willem Boezel and Export Manager Hans Danielsen received the Eurobike Gold Award in the category LEV & (E-)Special Purpose Bikes on Wednesday 4 September 2019. The jury's comments were as follows: "The rickshaw bike Chat has an impressive quality of detail. We found it very easy to ride and liked the wide range of safety features, especially the good visibility through the canopy."

Rickshaw transport bike Chat

The Van Raam rickshaw transport bike is suitable for a wide range of cyclists. This social bike allows young families to go out on a nice trip, for example during a holiday or a family weekend. In addition, the bicycle also serves as a tool against loneliness for the elderly. Together with an attendant they can still explore their area and feel the wind in their hair while “Chatting” with each other.

Besides the fact that the rickshaw bike looks nice, the Chat is also very comfortable to ride. This is partly due to the unique riding characteristics and ergonomic seat of the transport bike. Read more about it in the article ‘Unique riding characteristics of rickshaw transport bike Chat’.
Would you like more information about the newest member of the Van Raam bike family? Then visit the Chat product page and find out what benefits this social bike has to offer.

Chat product page

Van Raam transport bike Chat suitable for young and old
The Chat suitable for young and old

Van Raam awards

The Chat is not the first bike in the Van Raam product range to be praised with a Eurobike Award. In 2011 we already received this beautiful prize with our bicycle taxi for children: the GoCab*. With this bicycle taxi it is possible to transport 8 children in a safe and sustainable way.

*The GoCab bike taxi is no longer available.

Curious which other prizes Van Raam has won? You will find more international and national awards for our special needs bikes under the heading 'Awards' at the innovation page on the Van Raam website.

Let’s all cycle!

Van Raam innovation page

International recognition for GoCab bicycle taxi Eurobike Award 2011
International recognition for GoCab bicycle taxi Eurobike Award 2011


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Written by
Van Raam

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